
December 2014 updates

These are the latest update for School Edit (version 11.1) which will be applied to all sites during December.

Web Editor

The latest version of the editor has been applied. This fixed a few minor annoyances such as the cursor jumping to the top of the page when pressing Enter in the latest version of Safari.

A new file manager has been added so that users can easily replace and browse files that are uploaded to the website. Master users can update any files added to the website.

Video Library

A new feature we added this month is for schools that want a video library on their website. Videos can be hosted with Vimeo or YouTube and then embedded within your school website.  

Features of the Video tool include

  • searchable video library
  • videos can be available to everyone or logged in members (School Edit Plus)
  • custom fields can be added
  • thumbnails can be added for each video

The new video feature is available to all users at no additional cost.

Minor Updates

Daily Message - now it is easy to copy one daily message text to the following day. We've added a 'copy to next day' link. 





First published on: 27th November 2014
Powered by School Edit